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The Department of Public Works strives to enhance the quality of life in Madison by ensuring clean, safe drinking water. It provides efficient sewer service, well-maintained city streets and all other city-related services that our citizens rely on daily. Public works employees work to provide efficient and timely services.
The Public Works Department is in the Denson Robinson Public Services Complex at 1239 Highway 51 (.8 mile north of Hoy Road on the west side of Highway 51). For assistance or questions answered:
Madison provides water service to approximately 4,800 homes and businesses. Some Madison residents receive water services from Bear Creek Water Association and the Pearl River Water Supply District.
Like many bottled water companies, Madison draws its water from deep wells. Madison’s water can be classified as “natural artesian spring water.”
City of Madison water bills can be paid online via this link. Payments can also be mailed to 1239 Hwy 51, Madison, MS 39110, or dropped off at the Denson Robinson Public Services Complex or at the drop box in front of City Hall.
For billing questions or new water service, please contact the Water Department at (601) 856-8958.
Sewer service is provided to approximately 10,000 residences and businesses. The City of Madison belongs to two regional treatment systems, the Metro System with the City of Ridgeland & Jackson and the Madison County Waste Water Authority. Using these two systems accounts for two sewer charges appearing on water/sewer bills. The city charge helps pay for the operation, maintenance, and debt service of the city’s collection system, while the Metro Sewer charge helps to cover costs of operation, maintenance, and debt service for the regional interceptor lines and treatment system.
This department maintains public rights-of-way along Highways 51 and 463 inside the city limits. It is also charged with maintaining dedicated drainage easements, which include creeks, ditches, culverts, curbs, and inlets. Maintenance of street signs and traffic signals also falls under this division.
One of the biggest challenges is keeping litter picked up. There are several ways that citizens can help. Please do not litter. Remember, your tax dollars are used to clean up litter.
As the City of Madison continues growing, the challenge of maintaining clean bodies of water also grows. Stormwater runoff increases as development turn natural green spaces into paved residential and commercial areas. Stormwater runoff does not flow into a treatment plant but directly into our streams and lakes. From there, it ultimately flows into the Pearl River and Ross Barnett Reservoir.
Because fewer trees, grass, and plants serve as natural filters, stormwater runoff contains more pollutants. These pollutants wash through the storm drain system and into our local streams, such as Culley Creek, Hearn Creek, Haley Creek, Brashear Creek, and Bear Creek.
Sources of stormwater pollution are driveways, streets, parking lots, construction sites, agricultural fields, lawns, pet wastes, failing sewer systems, leaking septic tanks, and illicit discharges such as dumping waste motor oil. Pollutants of concern include but are not limited to oils, grease, sediment, fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, bacteria, debris, and litter.
The City of Madison has a stormwater runoff management program required by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The program addresses water quality and reduces pollution to local waters through public education and outreach; public involvement/participation; illicit discharge detection and elimination; construction site runoff control; post-construction runoff control; pollution prevention, and good housekeeping for city facilities.
Here are tips that you can follow to minimize stormwater pollution:
If a storm drain malfunctions, please report the issue to Public Works.
Drainage on private property is the responsibility of the homeowner. Here are some tips that can help improve drainage on your property:
These articles from the Environmental Protection Agency contain fact sheets, articles, and resources for the public and homeowners explaining what Nonpoint Source (NPS) pollution is and what individuals can do to prevent and reduce it. Topics include household chemicals, septic systems, and impervious surfaces.
ResourceProvides guidance and tips on controlling various common garden insect pests. This document lists the appropriate type of control for each insect, including type and rate of application for chemical controls, as well as safety precautions and conversion rates for common measurements.
ResourceThis document from Mississippi State University contains information on managing and eliminating undesirable plants from landscaping that do not require chemicals. It also addresses many of the reasons that weeds occur in the first place and identifies methods of addressing the source of the problem to avoid repeated, unnecessary use of chemicals.
ResourceThis document from Experience Life contains guidance on choosing the appropriate cleaner for a particular job, explains the chemicals contained in common household cleaners and the dangers associated with each, and encourages the use of less harmful cleaning chemicals with tips on making and using less harmful alternatives.
ResourceThis document from Mississippi State University debunks several common myths concerning lawn clippings, provides common sense applications for the beneficial use of lawn clippings, and encourages the use of lawn clippings over disposal.
ResourceContains links from the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality on various public education, outreach, and involvement programs available through MDEQ, including programs for teachers, students, volunteer groups, homeowners, volunteer groups, and stormwater management officials.
ResourceContains links to educational materials including classroom lesson plans, classroom activities, publications, games, puzzles, interactive activities, and various additional for educators and students, including links to other websites.
ResourceThe Department of Marine Resources website has a wealth of information for the general public, children, teachers, boaters, marinas, etc. Information includes pollution prevention and marinas, non-point source pollution, stormwater runoff management, and best management practices provided via the Mississippi Gulf Coast Stormwater Management Toolbox, stormwater management tools for schools, Coastal Cleanups, and workshop information for teachers. (Consider removing this since we are not in a marine environment.)
ResourceContains materials including stormwater permit applications, notice of intent forms, and guidance manuals for completing the applications and developing a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan.
ResourceMississippi’s manual provides technical guidance for the control of erosion, sediment, and stormwater from nonpoint sources (NPDES). and for the preparation of erosion, sediment, and stormwater control plans as needed. The manual is a cooperative effort by: the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality, Mississippi Soil & Water Conservation Commission, and USDA Soil Conservation Service.
ResourceProvides links to information and resources in a number of categories, including publications and
information resources, funding opportunities, training and meetings, and applicable regulations.
Phase II Stormwater regulations
Contains fact sheets and guidance material related to the regulation of stormwater, including
information concerning Phase II Stormwater regulations.
The City of Madison requests all Developers and Contractors to reference and utilize the new Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) Erosion and Sediment Control Manual.